After the 06 material, I ask to evaluate the following: 1- Why, in the TDC board, the orange led is partially lit while the green and yellow ones are completely off? 2- Knowning that C8 and C9 are 100nF and 10nF, respectively, please calculate the frequency of the two square waves that are output to the test strip J11. 3- In the first commit of the hello program, explain why we see "Hello, once aga" instead of seeing H alone, or a random selection of bytes within the string. 4- setup.c is currently hosting the timer initialization. Over time, we will need to add more initialization, for unrelated peripherals. Putting then all together in the same file is ugly, bceause we want drivers to remain separate one another. How would you solve the problem? 5- Despite the 12MHz clock oscillator, we found that the timing of hello.bin is very jittery. Can you guess why? 6- Can you find a proper fix for the overflow of jiffies? 7- How can udelay be made better than the .rep/.endr way? 8- Next thing we need is access to the pins (GPIO = general purpose input/ouput). All pins have alternate functions and we need an API for both setting the alternate function and reading/writing the pin. If you read the LPC manual, you find that for some ping the "alternate function 0" is not GPIO, but another function. How would you design your API for GPIO access, in this situation?