Hello. This is a proposal for excercises: 1- create a new "povacca" git repository that is a subset of the hsw2020-www repository, only including the povacca code. Note: you are expected to keep the "povacca/" subdir: moving code to the top-level directory is possible but not trivial. Sure you can try if you want. 2- add you own operations to povacca, but adding one or more op-*.c files, and try to understand why it works, or why it doesn't work. 3- explain why povacca.h declares "struct pv_oper pv_first[]" as extern, and not "struct pv_oper *pv_first". If you try, please explain why and how it fails. If you don't try, please guess why and how it would fail. 4- use the elf-section trick, i.e. __attribute__((__section__("sth"))) to create an array of named items, that live in separate source files, and a main program that lists them like this: for (....) printf(item->name); Then, understand why it works. Optionally, first understand why it doesn't work, then fix, finally understand why it works.